Silke Kristensen


In memory of my mother
When I got the opportunity to design my own jewelry in collaboration with Sistie, I immediately thought that there should be an element in the jewelry that was in memory of my mother, who I lost back in 2010 to cancer. The small stone in the jewelery symbolizes the amber jewelery she had and reminds me of her.

For me, it was important to create a jewelery collection with a bit of edge and history.

Follow Silke on Instagram.

Losing a parent

My best advice to young people who lose a parent or another close relationship at a young age is to remember that it is more than ok to miss and be sad, but also to remember that everything will work out and try to look forward and remember the good memories.

How we deal with grief is so individual from person to person, and there is no right or wrong.

Influencer raised in the countryside

I am 25 years old and grew up in the countryside, surrounded by lovely nature. I am very interested in fashion and interior design and I love decorating our home, which I live in, together with my boyfriend and our dog. On a daily basis I'm an influencer and I work with my Instagram, it's my job and I love it!

I dream of traveling the world and experiencing a lot of different cultures and being able to combine that with my work. And when the time is right, I dream of creating a wonderful family.

Less is more

My style is very simple and feminine, with a little edge. It reflects the jewelery very well. I really think "less is more" and love the individuality. The jewelery is both beautiful on its own, but also styled with other jewellery.

Paradise Hotel

Paradise has given me so much. I have learned so much about myself in the 2 months I was in Mexico. Both inside the hotel, but also to the extent that I was left to myself in Mexico without a phone or any form of contact with the outside world when I was outside the hotel. I got to know myself in a whole new way and learned to enjoy my own company and to be alone. And last but not least, I have become much more independent. An experience I wouldn't be without, without a doubt!

Silke Kristensen x Sistie